Pixel Tracking

Shopping Online

Item Availability
If an item goes on back order we will ship you the part of the order that is in stock. When the other items become available, we will ship the rest of the order. You will not be charged any additional shipping and handling for the second shipment.

Sales Tax
In compliance with Australian law, all prices are GST inclusive

Promotion Codes
From time to time, we will reward our customers with special promotional offers via email. These offers are available for a limited time only and expire on the date communicated. Promos cannot be combined unless specified. Upon checkout, please be sure to enter the promotion code exactly as it appears in the communication. If you experience any difficulty taking advantage of a promotion, we welcome you to contact us on 02 9997 6068 or via email at info@316shop.com.au (9am - 5pm EST)

Payment Options
We accept the following payment methods

    Credit Card – Visa and Mastercard only
    Australian Bank Transfer
    Charge to account – this option is for approved account customers only. To enquire about opening a trade  account or for more information please contact us